Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mom Bites Into a Dog Biscuit

       It was all mom this time! Let's just say that mom really did it to herself  for dogging around in our stuff that accidentally got sent home from hanging out with our sister, Megan!  Well, it all started last Saturday night, mom wanted some fruit snacks and after she got her fill of some fruit snacks, she laid back. Looking into the jar that held fruit snacks, candy, and trail bars, I saw a package of cookies. Remembering that I asked what they were for to Megan, I realized mom must've bitten off more than she can chew (Literally!) ! I finally asked mom, "Did you EAT that?!?!!?!" .
"Yeah, it was really hard and crunchy! Must've been stale!" 
Finally, I just blurted out the truth. "MOM! THAT WAS A DOG BISCUIT!?!?!?!!?!?!?"
First she just looked at me like I told her that the moon exploded and the sun froze. She stared at me, soon she realized, I was seriously, SERIOUS. Her face turned hot magenta, she covered her face with her hands. Well I WAS telling the truth! Afterwards, she fed the doggie biscuit to Bella, our dog, and said,  
"I was just taste-testing it for Bella," and "At least I didn't like it, or else I might've not left any for Bella!"
These are some pics me and Meilee, my sis (speaking of my little Mei, don't forget to check her blog once and a while for recent updates! ), took before and after the accident. The bottom is the bitten cookie. The top is Bella Rose, my puppy. What a night! 
Your always zany MTN biking/snowboarding gal(not to mention finding out unexpected things that my mom does, which makes my mom... my mom!)
-Avery.  :P