"Yeah, it was really hard and crunchy! Must've been stale!"
Finally, I just blurted out the truth. "MOM! THAT WAS A DOG BISCUIT!?!?!?!!?!?!?"
First she just looked at me like I told her that the moon exploded and the sun froze. She stared at me, soon she realized, I was seriously, SERIOUS. Her face turned hot magenta, she covered her face with her hands. Well I WAS telling the truth! Afterwards, she fed the doggie biscuit to Bella, our dog, and said,
"I was just taste-testing it for Bella," and "At least I didn't like it, or else I might've not left any for Bella!"
These are some pics me and Meilee, my sis (speaking of my little Mei, don't forget to check her blog once and a while for recent updates! http://meileesworld.blogspot.com ), took before and after the accident. The bottom is the bitten cookie. The top is Bella Rose, my puppy. What a night!
Your always zany MTN biking/snowboarding gal(not to mention finding out unexpected things that my mom does, which makes my mom... my mom!)