Sunday, January 8, 2012

Three things you may have not known about me

1) I love to read!

2) I love to make crafts A LOT!

3) I love to spend time with my family!

My hiking adventures

Today, I went for a three mile hike with my family. On my hike I found lots of neat objects of nature that I brought home which I knew I would be making some crafts with. Also on our hike I found a walking stick that I decorated with crunchy leaves & plants. I used my new walking stick for almost the entire walk. I really enjoy my walks with my family. My doggy Bella Rose also came with us. I was also mad at my dad because he would not let me walk the dog on her leash (because Bella pulls and don't listen very well) probably need to train her more....she does not listen very well!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Eve!

Party time! New Years Eve! Time for celebration mom put all kinds of cool streamers all over the ceiling. It felt like going through a viney jungle of celebration. Meilee and I danced, sang, watched videos, ate pizza and watched the countdown to midnight. At midnight we made a toast it was actually white grape juice & blew our colorful and loud whistles. We also opened the front door and heard lots of fireworks in the air.